Tuesday, 28 December 2010

The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing: Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, Promote and Sell Your Own Book

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    This "Complete Guide to Self-Publishing" shows writers how to make their own success. In this revised 5th edition, of a self-publishing classic, author Marilyn Ross empower writers to publish their own work with minimal risk and maximum profits.

Readers will find: complete step-by-step guidance on publishing and marketing a book; production secrets that can cut design and printing costs in half; cutting-edge advice on e-publishing, print-on-demand and e-rights; a detailed marketing plan and timetable for staying on track; up-to-date case studies and examples of how other publishers excel; samples of sales letters, cover designs, catalog sheets and forms; and, an in-depth discussion of exclusive distributors, plus coverage of the most recent changes in bookstores and the book-selling industry.

Very useful guide. Giving lots of practical information you really need to know if you think of starting publish and promote your own book, especially on how to cut design and printing cost and how to get free publicity.

Where to buy 

Saturday, 18 December 2010

The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want to Leave - Review

“If Only I Could Understand Men….”

Men always say they can’t understand women, and that women are so complicated. Well, for many women, it is the exact opposite. Most would give anything to understand what makes men “tick.” Even though women want to know what he’s thinking, men are often reluctant to share what is in their hearts. What’s a woman to do?

Rather than describe all the differences between the sexes, it is often more helpful to focus on a few areas that any woman can understand.

1) Men are more sensitive than women. While that might sound silly, the truth is that men don’t have the ability to recover from emotional trauma as effectively as a woman. Because of this, men keep themselves from getting too upset. When a man hears he should just “let his feelings out,” what he translates that into is this, “If I let my feelings out, I might not be able to control them.”

2) Men hate fighting. For men, conflict is not simply resolving a problem. Fighting, to a man, means one has to win and the other needs to be totally defeated. Men often prefer conflict that is non-emotional because it is less threatening to them. Once a conflict becomes emotionally charged, it is very difficult for a man to contain those feelings and the most frequent coping skill is for them to become quiet. It may seem like they are punishing you, but they are most likely trying not to lose control.

3) Men want to get married. In spite of what many progressive cultures preach, the truth is that a majority of men in the world do get married. While the freedom of being single has its appeal, it comes with one primary drawback – it is lonely. While this might not sound overly romantic, finding a woman that a man can trust is just as important as finding one who is beautiful.

If you liked these insights, there are more available in Bob Grant’s wonderful e-book called, “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave.” Bob Grant, L.P.C., has taken his 17 years of private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Coach and condensed only the best information into a mouth-watering, powerful handbook on what men find themselves powerless to resist in a woman. You can have this information simply by ---->>>) clicking here.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Photoshop Secrets

Photoshop is the number one graphics software that is used by many graphic designers and artists who want to get their projects just right. This graphics software has everything you need and more!

However, if you don’t know the secrets to getting your projects where you want them to be, then you’re a lost cause. Don’t fret, because it doesn’t have to stay that way. Here is a report that can take you from the beginning to some of the more advanced techniques and methods that you can use to enhance your images and photos. Just think, when your friends and family see your work, they will be more than amazed!

In order to get to that point, you will have to check out this report, “Photoshop Secrets (How To Get Great At Photoshop)” in order to find out the secrets to making your project look as good as the professionals.

In this report, you will discover the following:

11 tools that are used the most in Photoshop, What palettes are used for, Putting images in Photoshop, What does dpi stand for, What suffixes are used when creating saving an image file, When to use the .jpg, .gif and .psd suffixes and more...
If you have businesses on the internet, you can create e-book covers that look stunning. People wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. They would think you were a professional graphics artist. However, you don’t have to be one in order to learn the secrets and tips listed in this report. All you have to do is follow the directions and you will have new graphics in no time.

In fact, a lot of marketers that have businesses on the internet use or either have someone use Photoshop to have the best looking stuff. Looking professional is one thing that attracts visitors to other websites. They figure if it’s professional, that it’s worth checking out. However, this report, “Photoshop Secrets”, can help you make your images more than just worth checking out. They will look so good that you will have people purchasing your products left and right. So don’t just settle, get this report and get going!

Monday, 20 September 2010

How To Pick A Pet For Your Child

This book has everything you need to know about choosing the right pet for your

Do you get a dog, a cat, a rabbit or a gerbil? 

There are so many different pets from which to choose and each one requires different type of care. Your choice in pet will depend quite a bit on your own lifestyle as well as the wishes of your children and how capable they are of taking care of a pet. Once you read this book, you will have a better understanding on the different types of pets that are available and which may be right for your child.

There is much more to picking the right pet for your child than just waltzing
into the pet store and allowing your child to choose the pet he or she wants to
take home.  Is the pet store even the place you want to go to choose your
pet?  This book will teach you everything you need to know about choosing
the right pet for your child.

Learning is the key.  You need to find out about all the different
pets that are available, the best places to get pets and which ones will be
right for your child.  You also need to know just how much care is involved with each type of pet and how much responsibility you can expect your
child to take regarding the type of pet that he or she chooses.  

If you have been getting advice from just about everyone when it comes to
choosing the perfect pet for your child or children, "How To Pick A Pet
For Your Child" can teach you everything you need to know about the most
popular pets for children, where to get them and how to care for them.
There is also practical advice on how to get your children to live up to their responsibility when it comes to their pet.

If you want to learn all about the best pets to get for your children in
unbiased terms from someone who has years of experience in caring for a variety of different pets, you need to read:How To Pick A Pet For Your Child

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The Complete Guide to Buying and Owning a Cat

One of the main reasons that animal shelters and rescue shelters are so packed with animals is because people take on more than they bargained for when they get a pet without doing the proper research on that particular breed beforehand.

This book gives readers insight as to the common breeds of cat that many people find themselves quite happy with, and what criteria should determine what kind of feline companion that you should be looking for. Without this information you are taking a risk at getting a cat that you are not happy with and sending it to a pet shelter or being stuck with that cat for the rest of its life because you are too guilty to get rid of it.
This doesn't have to be your reality, this book offers you all the information you need in order to determine what type of cat is going to work best with you. It also contains chapters of useful information that will help you care for your cat after your decide what you want.
Why spend hours searching all over the internet or through dozens of books when you can find all the information that you are looking for in one resource.

Once you have read the book and decided on what type or breed of cat to get, you will find all the information that you need on how to become prepared for your new addition to your home. In reality, buying a pet of any kind is a major purchase because it is not only affecting your life but also the life of that cat.
This book will help you to know what items are necessary for your cat to feel comfortable in its new home, how to feed your new cat, and how to deal with many of its behaviors. Many who decide to buy a kitten find themselves completely unprepared once they get them home, this book will help to prepare you in advance so that you will be able to transition smoothly as your kitten grows into a full grown, adult cat.

Doing research before bringing and animal home is a smart idea; this book has done all the work for you buy combining a variety of topics all into one resource. Don't waste your time searching for answers to your cat questions when you can find everything you need within this one book. Click here to learn more!

Sunday, 5 September 2010


Aromatherapy the ancient healing art. Although Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years in parts of the world, it is now becoming a popular alternative healing remedy in the West. In addition to being used to heal minor ailments, the products used in Aromatherapy are 100 percent natural. Because they are all natural and safe for the environment, many people are using essential oils found in Aromatherapy in beauty products.

Once you have learned the basics of Aromatherapy, there will be no stopping you. You'll want to continue learning and working with herbs and essential oils. You may even start your own side business making products to sell online or even in stores. As the demand for all natural products and alternative healing continues to grow within the West, there are more opportunities for those who are willing to learn about this ancient art than ever before!

People have relied on over the counter remedies purchased at the drugstore for years. Many of these remedies are ineffective and most of them can be toxic if used on a long term basis. They contain synthetic chemicals. Aromatherapy is the art of healing yourself naturally, using products derived from nature. There is nothing synthetic about Aromatherapy. It is simply the art of being in touch with nature and realizing that everything that we need to surivive and live a healthy life is here on earth for us to use. We just need to know how to use it. Today, there is a book that can tell you how to use Aromatherapy not only as a healing method, but to help others as well and even start your own business.

This ebook has everything you need to know about getting started with Aromatherapy....Get me a copy

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Discover How You Can Now... Enjoy Playing the Piano!

Why is learning to play the piano such a chore? It seems that people who take lessons work and work but take years to learn to play anything interesting or enjoyable. They are always unhappy about their lessons. People who take lessons sometimes even hate their teachers because they feel ashamed of their playing. The teacher may or may not intentionally make the student feel bad, but the fact remains that you lose interest if you never feel any satisfaction.

Teachers also alienate their students by asking them to play music that is either too hard or worse yet, too easy. Without a challenge, there is little point in trying to learn anything. Teachers might pile on too much work for the student to practice on at home, or not give the student a clue as to what to work on. Finding a good teacher can be extremely difficult.

Trying to learn on your own can be just as frustrating if you do not have the right guidance. You can search the internet infinitely and find all kinds of information on piano theory. Most of it you will not even understand. It is often in difficult language and assumes that you know quite a bit about music already. You also have to deal with conflicting theories. Sure, there are different points of view. You just do not want to hear them when you are first starting out. You want something you can rely on to begin your piano playing experience.

When you order lessons online, you often find instruction that is inaccurate and uninformative. The teachers might simply be trying to make a buck, without regard for what you might or might not learn. Besides this, online lessons can be very costly. You might try to get information and end up getting endless spam after you have turned down the piano lessons. You can find yourself locked into a long commitment of payments if you are not careful when ordering lessons on the internet. It sometimes takes weeks, if not months, to get the situation cleared up.

Worst of all, most lessons do not give you the opportunity to have a good time with your piano playing. You just drudge along from one lesson to the next, hoping to find that magical secret that is going to make it all worthwhile. As you look for enlightenment at the end of the piano lesson rainbow, time passes you by. You are left with nothing but a meaningless clutter of useless lessons that never got you anywhere.

Would it not be nice if you could find a way to learn to play piano that does not end in failure? You could use a method of learning that does not require you to spend vast fortunes for a little knowledge. Most of all, if you are anything like most piano students; you will be looking for a piano learning method that allows you some happiness.

You find yourself wondering what solution you can ever find to this problem. You want to learn, but you do not want to commit to a process that will not teach you the basics until you have been at it for a long time. Just when you thought there was no way to learn piano happily, you might be surprised to know that there is!

You Can Learn with Joy!

This is no time to give up. You can learn to play with joy and creativity. You certainly can. It is only a matter of finding the right method. However, there are few options for someone who wants to learn quickly on their own. With most lessons, it takes many months to get just the basic ideas of what piano music is all about.
Lessons can be incredibly boring, and yet people rush to take them year after year. Did you ever stop to wonder why? The reason of course is that it is very desirable to be able to play the piano and to play it well. It is just too bad that so many people are duped out of their hard-earned money with endless lessons that do nothing but squelch this desire.

Yet, there is no more need to sweat over long, dull lessons. All you need to do is to find a simple guide to beginning piano playing that will answer your basic questions. You need a guide that will get you started and tell you where to go from there. With the right information, you can learn all you need to know to begin playing the piano on your own.

The right solution for you is one that uses your abilities and talents in teaching you the most important lessons a beginning piano student can learn. The perfect solution is one that takes the vast stores of knowledge in the musical world and highlights the most basic facts for you to learn first.

You can benefit from simple explanations and descriptions of how to apply basic concepts in a variety of situations. Do not settle for lessons that talk over your head all the time. There is another option out there for you. It is a product that will have you playing the piano quickly and enjoying it for the rest of your days.

It’s Pinao Playing For Beginners - ENJOY YOURSELF!

It is a product that will teach you everything you need to start having fun at the piano bench in no time at all. You can not only start your learning with the Playing Piano - Beginners Guide to Playing the Piano! You can use the same e-book to continue with your development as a musician for years to come. The lessons you learn will be that expandable and flexible. You will buy sheet music and theory books in the future, but you will never need another beginning piano guide!

Trying to learn to play the piano does not have to end in failure and disappointment. This e-book will demonstrate how you can learn basic concepts and build on each as you achieve a measure of success. That way, you will never feel like playing the piano is not worth the trouble. You will always have your accomplishments to remember and you can add onto them over and over again.

People in their prime of life get great benefit from Playing Piano - Beginners Guide to Playing the Piano! They appreciate the fact that the e-book does not treat them like children, yet it explains everything in understandable language for someone who does not know music. Elderly people learn from the e-book, too, with plenty of time to apply its concepts and plenty of people to entertain with their piano playing.
You will no longer be sidelined when others are displaying their talents. You will find answers to your piano-playing problems in this e-book. You will find great value...

1)The e-book describes piano concepts in language you can understand.

The e-book is written in plain language with consideration to people who have never played the piano before. You will find that you can understand this guide better than other beginner’s lessons you have tried in the past. It is just that easy!

2) You will learn about detailed information on music for the piano.
It does not matter whether you want to learn chords and improvisation or learn to read music. This e-book gives you information on both. You can find out everything from where to put your fingers on the keys to how to play an impromptu song. This e-book does it all. Click here to get your copy

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Adult Dyslexia

Are you tired of having to deal with Adult Dyslexia on a daily basis without any sense of freedom from it? Have going to work or college become more of a chore due to the fear of embarrassment from having adult dyslexia? Don't you wish there were a number of tricks and tips that you can use and try yourself that have been proven to work again and again for people suffering from adult dyslexia just like you?

There have been many claims of different ways to solve the problem of having adult dyslexia and the unfortunate reality is there is no cure for it as of yet. However with certain state of mind techniques and tips on how to make your life easier while living with adult dyslexia, and without it being embarrassing or inconvenient, you can live with dyslexia today and still succeed in the world. Whether its your job or at school.

Learn various tips that come directly from people that suffer from dyslexia and hear how they've managed to live with their symptoms. Learn how to find effective methods for making your life easier and less of a hassle. Each tip has been proven again and again to work with people of varies types of dyslexia.

It's now also starting to be understood that dyslexia can be a state of mind. Learn various ways to put yourself in a state of relaxation in order to better handle a task that has been presented before you. Learn the most effective ways to stay relaxed and calm while still staying focused.

Tips and tricks for people with adult dyslexia is a comprehensive guide covering the basics of dyslexia to a wide range of diagnostic procedures and tips to help you manage with your symptoms. These tips and tricks have been used on people with dyslexia of every varying degree and with great success. People just like yourself that suffer with adult dyslexia now feel more comfortable and relaxed in social and work situations. It's a system that works well for everyone else so why not let it work for you? Click Here to Learn More

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Unique Weddings

Make YOUR Wedding Day Truly Unique!

Marriage is a sacred commitment that should never be entered into lightly or on a whim or, even worse, on a dare. By pledging your love and loyalty to another human being you are assuming the responsibility of that person’s life as they are assuming the responsibility for yours. But that doesn’t mean that a wedding has to be done according to anybody else’s wishes and desires but those of the bride and groom.

A wedding day should be one of the days that will stand out forever in a bride’s and groom’s memories as a day of joy and happiness and one that belongs uniquely to the bridal couple. It should be THIER day...and not just on the day of the wedding but for their lifetime together.

The marriage ceremony, whether it is a first wedding or a subsequent wedding, really does signify the leaving behind of the old life and the beginning of a new life as a couple so it should incorporate everything that makes that change seem real and valid to the couple that is marrying.

What others think doesn’t really matter. The mother and the father of both the bride and the groom are about to become in-laws. Disagreements about the details of the wedding can start those relationships off on the wrong foot and be the basis for a thousand other little problems for many years to come.

At a 50th wedding anniversary celebration that I attended recently, I had the opportunity to ask the long-married couple what the secret was to their long and obviously successful relationship.

The gentleman looked me in the eye and told me that I wasn’t the first person to ask that question and that he had been giving it some serious thought. He said that he might have a few answers.

He said, “When we got married back in ’56 the world was a lot different. We expected that we would stay married all of our lives. Getting divorced was a shameful thing. So we talked it over and we agreed that we would never let the sun set on hurt feelings or anger between us. It’s a lot easier to make up at night than it is over the breakfast table. And we agreed to never raise our voices to each other unless the house was on fire. I guess that’s about it”, he continued, “except that we just deal with all the little things as they come up and don’t let mole hills get as big as mountains before we talk them over.”

Maybe that’s the secret of a long and happy marriage...talk it over....agree to agree....starting with the wedding plans. This fantastic new e-book is chock-full of new ideas for you to help you plan a truly memorable, truly unique ceremony. Click Here To Lear More

Saturday, 7 August 2010

First Class Recipes

You Are What You Eat

It is a fact that the meals served at fast food chains have low nutritional values. There is actually no nutritional content to those oily, overly-fried burgers and fries. They will not be able to give you strong bones and muscles. What they can give you is unwanted fats and maybe even heart disease. For you to be able to avoid being overweight, getting a heart disease or diabetes, ditch these unhealthy foods now. If you like eating at fast food chains, break the habit. It is easier said than done, of course, but just think about how much your body will be better off without those junk.
Make sure to eat fruits and vegetables everyday. Oh, you should not only watch what you eat, but what you drink as well. Don't drown yourself in sodas, fizzy drinks and those lattes or mocachino. Too much carbonated drink and caffeine is not good for the body. Drink as much water as you can everyday. You can never go wrong with fresh fruit juices, too. If you like meat, then you can turn to chicken and fish instead of eating too much beef and pork.

If you want to start eating right, there is no better time to start that now. Incorporate food with nutritional value into your daily menu. You will not have a hard time learning about different foods and what they can contribute to your health. Make your life more healthy with our 5 amazing recipes eBooks.

Now what do you think people would say if your diet consists of junk food? Take a healthy step towards delicious meals and new tastes! Imagine how your body would react when you eat the right kinds of food! Don't forget, you are what you eat! Click here To Learn More!

Total Acne Treatments

There is a lot of information on the internet of how to treat acne that is downright false. Many people, seeing you suffer, will take advantage of you and try to sell you a product that is made to clear up your pimples immediately. Most of these products do not work as well as they say that they do. However, there are tried and true treatments for acne.

Treating acne involves more than just putting pimple cream on your skin. It is an entire routine that involves eating as well as skin care. This book explores all facets of acne skin care.

You can now get all the information that you need about acne in one small e-book. This gives you information regarding store bought topical solutions that are popular today as well as old fashioned solutions, diet and alternative medicine. It also delves into medical treatments for a If you have been struggling with acne, or know someone who is, this these books are for you. It will explain everything that you need to know about curing acne, once and for all. I am not a doctor. But I am better.

I am someone who actually suffered from acne for a long time. I tried every cure there was. Some worked and some made false promises. I vowed that if I cleared up my acne, I would show others how to do this as well. As my skin has been clear for a year, I am making good on my promise. These books will teach you the difference between treatments and allow you to avoid those that do not work.

Here is what you will learn inside!

• Store bought acne treatments

• Diet for acne treatment

• Homemade acne treatments

• Aromatherapy acne treatments

• Light therapy

Just about everything that you wanted to know about how to treat acne is right here! Click here To Learn More

Elite Weight Loss Package

This program has been developed as a 100% guaranteed fat loss system and results have been proven throughout California before we even thought about publishing it. Many scientists and nutritionists compared notes and passed on information and results which were trialed, tested and proven over the past 6 years.

This really is the nutritional and training guide of the stars.
Even if you have struggled to lose weight in the past, the Elite Weight loss package will show you how to get that body you've always wanted!

Craig Woods, personal trainer and nutritionist to the Stars, reveals all the Hollywood Secrets to lose weight without spending hours in the gym. 19 years of research has gone in to developing this revolutionary lifestyle program which is designed to be followed by anybody, any age, male or female.

In this revolutionary step-by-step book you are going to discover the most powerful fat loss system ever developed to this day! It's the exact same diet program Hollywood actors, supermodels and bodybuilders use to achieve lean, shaped, toned bodies with rock-hard muscle definition.

So if you would like to learn how to lose fat without pills... without starving yourself... and without screwing up your metabolism for ever... Then this is the program for you! Click Here To Learn More

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Your Guide To Scuba Diving

Many people think that space is our final frontier – and that is not entirely true. While it is more difficult to get to outer space, we probably know more about the various planets and environments in space than we do about what lies beneath the surface of our oceans.

Just as in outer space, there is a whole environment, or ecosystem, under the waters that cover 75% of our planet, with 70% of our planet being ocean waters. Beneath those waters there really is an entirely new world -a world full of beauty and mystery that few humans have the opportunity to experience.

But the lucky few who do have the opportunity to experience this vast unde water world are able to do so because they are scuba divers. Obviously, human beings cannot breathe underwater, so instead, they rely on a portable respiratory system that is self contained.

In fact, that is what the word Scuba means: Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. This apparatus allows human beings to dive to depths that were once unthinkable, and to stay under the water for long periods of time, depending on how full the air tank is. Different mixtures of gasses are used in the air tank, depending on the length and depth of the planned dive.

Forages into this underwater world have become increasingly popular, especially since Scuba diving equipment makes it so easy. Now, if there is an ocean nearby, you can bet there are scuba divers, scuba lessons, and scuba diving clubs in the vicinity as well. There are even scuba diving clubs that are not located near oceans. These clubs plan trips around the world to go scuba diving in different oceans!

When you see the beauty that lives so peacefully under the water, it isn’t any wonder why scuba diving is so popular. In fact, it is a world that is so amazing and breath taking that you will want to make an under water camera part of your essential dive equipment.

While no sport suits everyone, most people who try scuba diving are hooked after their very first dive. Most people are looking forward to their next dive before they ever return home from the last dive. In our fast paced world, scuba diving offers the ultimate in relaxation and stress relief. Imagine a world where there are no phones, no palm pilots – and no rush.

You leave a world that is noisy, and enter a world where the only real noises you will hear are the bubbles from your scuba gear. Full view.  Click here to check it out

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Exercise Without Effort

Like most people, you probably know that there are clear, tangible benefits to be gained from taking regular exercise, but, ideally, you would like to take that exercise without effort.

Exercise enables you to burn of the excess calories and thereby either lose weight or prevent extra bulk being added to your body in the first place. It makes you a fitter person as well, and that generally means that your life style will improve - you will have more energy to enjoy everything that you do - and live longer as a result.

The problem for most of us, however, is that (we claim) we do not have the time to take regular exercise, and for many folks, the inspiration or real desire to start exercising is just not there either.

When these people undoubtedly know that exercise is good for them, why should that be? Is it, perhaps, that taking up exercise seems to be far too much like hard work, and don't we do enough of that already?

This all hit home to me the other evening whilst I was reading an excellent new book 'Exercise without effort' that I recently managed to grab a copy of.

The first thing that struck me about the book was the title, which, being honest sounded a little absurd! After all, how can you 'exercise without effort' when effort is work?

However, after reading the book, my viewpoint has changed, and I'm pretty sure that yours would too.

By this I mean that those of us who are not exercise enthusiasts tend to view it as something that is outside our normal daily routine, whereas what the book does is highlight how exercise can (and should) be incorporated into that routine.

In other words, you do not need to go to the gymnasium or fitness club in order to get exercise. It is not necessary to go for a five mile run every morning, nor do you have to spend a small fortune on special training equipment or 'gear'.

'Exercise without effort' focuses on how exercise can be incorporated into you every day routine and how easy it is to do that.

Even if you work stuck behind a desk all day, every day, that is no excuse either, because there are simple, straightforward exercises that you can do even in the office environment that will get you fitter and more healthy in just a matter of days.

Now, before you get the comical image of someone in a singlet and shots prancing around the office doing their calisthenics, trust me, it is nothing like that. In fact, no-one else need even know that you are doing your exercises every day, although I wouldn't mind betting that, once they do and they see how much better you are looking, they'll be clamoring to join you.

Most of the ideas for exercise in the book are low-impact too, meaning that many are just about perfect for everyone, no matter what your physical condition is, or how old you are.

All in all, 'Exercise without effort' is a book that I would recommend to anyone that knows that they should be exercising more, but does not want to make a huge amount of effort to do so.

Getting fitter without killing yourself whilst doing so sounds just about ideal to me, so' Exercise without effort' gets a big thumbs up. Click here to check it out

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Good Wine Guide - ebook

Many of us are not even vaguely familiar with the different varieties of wine that are available for purchase. In fact, some of us probably thought red wine and white wine were the only ones in existence. Most of us don’t have any idea of the number of varieties of wine that are in existence. We have dinner wines, dessert wines, red wines, white wines, dry red wine, dry white wine, sweet red wine, sweet white wine and much more. Before you serve your first dinner that includes wine, make sure to understand something about wines. Know what is proper to serve with different meals.

A general rule of thumb is white wine with white meat and red wine with red meat, but there may sometimes be variations to that. For instance, although chicken is a white meat, red wine is the customary wine of choice because it complements a chicken meal better than white wine.

Another variation is turkey which has both white meat and dark meat. Because of both white and dark meat on turkey, one can choose to serve either white or red wine while some may actually serve both—red to the guests who choose dark meat and white to those who choose white meat.

Another thing that is important to understand is the relationship between red wine and fish. Customarily you would serve white wine with fish but in the event you choose to serve red wine,it’s important to choose one that does not contain any tannins since the presence of tannins in twine you serve with fish may give the wine a metallic taste. Though the taste itself is not going to cause any harm, one drinks wine for the flavor thus having a metallic taste takes away from that. To avoid this possibility either serve white wine with fish or make sure the red wine you serve is free of tannins.

Before you have your first party or even serve your first wine with dinner make sure you know exactly what you should serve with the meal you have chosen. Taking the time to research and learn about how wines complement food, you will be able to make a better selection of wine to go with the dinner you are serving. The more dinners you serve the more educated, you will become about the proper wine to serve.

Learn the art of wine tasting with this handy wine guide. Those who partake of this activity do so in the same way. An artist may look at a painting or an author might evaluate a book. It is not just a quick tasting of wine but rather an entire process upon which the taster embarks. This and more is available in the Good Wine Guide ebook.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Holisitc And Alternative Medicine - ebook

Holistic care means focusing not only on a specific sign or symptom, but working to treat the mind, body and spirit of any patient who is willing to seek answers for what ails them. Most holistic treatment options are based on nature, and include few chemicals that are foreign to the human body. Holistic care treats the whole person, rather than just specific areas of the body. The primary difference between holistic care and conventional medicine is that holistic practitioners try to use naturally occurring substances to treat illnesses and disease instead of manufactured chemicals. Additionally, there is a focus on alternative therapies including chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage and even psychotherapy when appropriate. Here are some things that you might not realize about the many holistic techniques available today:

Have you found yourself to be little more than a passive participant in your medical care? If so, you are definitely not alone. One alternative that will make you an active participant is holistic medicine.

Believe it or not, there is a lot more to medical treatments than conventional medicine would have you believe. There are many forms of alternative medicine like homeopathic medications, massage therapy, aromatherapy and nutrition counseling. Each of these approaches focuses on you as an individual so that you can have your needs addressed in a way that is comfortable for you and that works to alleviate not only the symptoms, but the root cause of your problems.

Holistic medical care is becoming a buzzword among thirty something's who are looking to play a more active role in maintaining good health. Gone are the days where an apple a day was the only way to stay healthy. Those who have started to enjoy the benefits of holistic medical care will tell you that there is much to be said for preventative care that keeps the mind, body and spirit in excellent condition.

If you are an open minded person who would like to be more involved with your medical care, then holistic medicine offers you the ability to get involved and stay involved. Many holistic treatments require a significant contribution from the patient, in order to achieve the greatest results. To read more Holisitc And Alternative Medicine !

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Permanent Weight Loss The Natural Way

Feeding Your Body Naturally Is the Key to Weight Loss

It's so true...we tend to think that to lose weight we have to restrict ourselves to starvation crash diets portions however time and time again has proven that this method of weight loss does not work. In fact, if you would like to gain weight this is the perfect method to go about it. Studies have shown that such diets only make you fatter than you were before and damage your body in the process.

When you hear the phrase “feeding your body naturally” do you have images of high-priced foods, raw meals or tasteless tofu? That’s what I thought about when I heard about it… but really its nothing like that.
Feeding your body naturally is all about giving your body what it needs to function at its absolute best.
And when your body is working at its top performance… you will:

Instantly have more energy
Be in the best shape of your life
Feel younger, healthier and more confident
Skyrocket your metabolism
Process foods faster
Look and feel sexier
Burn fat the RIGHT WAY

And most importantly… you are going to lose weight and finally discover what it’s like to KEEP IT OFF!
Quit Tricking Your Body Into Losing Weight And Start Working WITH It!

There is one thing that all diet pills and fads have in common… they try and “trick” your body into losing weight and once you come off these types of diets the weight reappears almost instantly.
All these diets tell you to have this type of food, at this time, in this amount.  All these pills speed up your metabolism with chemicals.

They all try and convince your body to lose weight in an unnatural way… and a lot of times it actually works. BUT THE PROBLEM IS that these diets are almost impossible to stick to…
It's crazy to imagine that someone can go their entire life without ever eating carbs… it’s nuts to think that you can take pills forever… it’s foolish to think that you will always be able to eat weird food combinations at all times.

But we all go on these diets, hoping that we have actually found the magic bullet that is going to work forever. We try hard and we stick to these diets for as long as we can. Sometimes we even lose a few pounds… but then these unrealistic diets fail us and we gain it all back. If you really want to lose weight then you have to WORK WITH YOUR BODY and stop trying to “trick it” into shedding pounds.

It’s really common sense if you think about it.

If you give your body what it needs to run properly, then you are going to:
Feel happy, healthy and skyrocket your metabolism!
Diminish your cravings for sweets and high-calorie food!
Burn fat at the fastest rate possible!
Look AND feel younger!
Have the energy you need to really live life not to just watch it
Greatly improve your health and be there for your loved ones
Cut down feelings of sadness and depression!

Have a smart plan that you can ALWAYS stick to… without depriving yourself or missing out on good-tasting food!

When you work with you body and feed it naturally then you giving your body exactly what it needs to run at its optimal level… to burn calories faster and lose weight easier.

Think about it, you want your car to run at its peak so you give it high octane, premium fuel. Your body is no different, it runs better and more efficiently when you feed it with the best it needs and cut the garbage out of your diet. This is why so many people don't have the energy for living these days because the high fat, empty calorie foods we eat simply isn't giving us the nutrition we need to get on with day to day living.

The foods we eat are actually making us tired, lethargic, over fat and unfit and because we're not burning the excess calories we eat each day, we are actually getting fatter. In fact we are a nation of fast food eaters and as a result we are getting sicker than we ever were 50 years ago.

This generation of children being raised on high fat convenience foods will become the first generation in history to die before their parents from Type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. These are diseases that should be rare rather than a full blown epidemic - frightening isn't it?
But it doesn't have to be like this - you have the power to change it!

This time - you are going to discover that you CAN lose weight with a system that you can stick to. You are going to discover that you CAN keep the weight off and you are going to discover that you CAN finally have the body of your dreams and live a long, healthy life.

I am going to help you make all this happen because you are going to be armed with all of the non hype information that will smash through all of the myths and garbage you've been force fed over the years. The misinformation that has robbed you from losing weight up until this point.

Not anymore because today you get all of the tools and resources that you need to make lifechanging decisions and to finally get the body and health of your dreams. Permanent Weight Loss The Natural Way!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

The Bounce Back To Dating Guide - ebook

We have been discussing the pain of enduring the end of a relationship. No physical pain can compare to a broken heart. There are many books that deal with issues resulting from a broken heart, but all seem to be full of deep psychological advice. Common sense, it seems, is hard to find. Yet when you are suffering from a broken heart after getting dumped in a relationship is when you need common sense advice the most!

There is more to bouncing back from getting dumped than just simple analysis. Well meaning people will tell you to "buck up" or "snap out of it," but rarely actually give you practical advice on exactly what you should DO. Talking about the heartbreak of being dumped and telling someone to "love themselves before they can be loved" is old, worn and cliche. Isn't it about time for some practical advice on actual exercises on what you can do to feel better?

Years ago, if someone wanted advice, they went to their family or friends who would give them the same old story and tell them. For years, the only advice on how to mend a broken heart was that "time heals all wounds." Most books about dating that are on the market today seem one sided and in favor of one gender over another. Few offer real advice that makes sense to the average individual. Fewer still give actual, true stories about people who have undergone having their hearts broken and how they managed to recover. Thankfully, there is a book available today that can really help you at this most crucial time in your life.

This book has tips to help you bounce back after getting dumped....

Anyone who has ever dated eventually learns the agony of being dumped. Most of us bounce back after a long period but some actually find themselves in some horrible situations. Pick up the newspaper and you can see evidence of people who could not take the pain of being dumped and acted irrationally. Finding a book that can offer not only practical advice, but can empathize with your plight is worth its weight in gold. If you are one of the many people who have suffered from heartbreak and want to know how to bounce back after enduring a broken heart, you can learn something from the good, sound advice offered in this book.

There is more to dating and relationships that meet the eye. In today's world, the dating game is more difficult than ever. Just like anything else, the more you know about behavior, the better off you are. This book can teach you about the basic fundamentals of all relationships, why they start and why they fail as well as teaching you exactly what to do - and what not to do, when you get dumped.

The Bounce Back To Dating Guide.....

Once you realize that you are far from the only person in the world to get dumped and what emotions you will most likely endure in the weeks and months to come, you will instantly feel better about the entire breakup. Knowledge is power and by reading this book, you can not only start healing right away, but you can learn how to avoid the many traps that await you before, during and after a breakup. There is no reason to suffer any longer than you have to and this book is guaranteed to make you feel better about the entire situation. In addition to teaching you exactly what you should and shouldn't do after a breakup, this book will teach you how to avoid having your heart broken in the future.

If you are like so many people who have loved and lost and can't seem to find their way back into life, "The Bounce Back To Dating Guide," can teach you the right way to go about getting over heartbreak with real life, easy to understand tips and personal accounts of those who have been in your shoes.

If you want practical advice on what to do after you get dumped, how to heal and begin dating again, you need to read:

Getting Dumped....and Bouncing Back!

1) Learn To Spot The Warning Signs Of A Breakup

All relationships are different as are the reasons why relationships end. There are always warning signs, however. Many of us purposely ignore the basic warning signs that a relationship is ending that can help you either intercept the break up or at least save some of your pride. In "The Bounce Back To Dating Guide," you will have all of the information you need to spot a breakup coming a mile away.

2) Learn What To Do...And What Not To Do

"The Bounce Back To Dating Guide" will not only give you easy to understand signals of when a relationship is about to end, but also will tell you exactly what to do about it...and more importantly, what not to do. You will learn from some real life examples as well as practical tips. If you have been looking for the ultimate book in how to repair a broken heat, you have finally found it in this book.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

· How To Spot When A Breakup Is Coming
· Why Relationships End
· Exactly What To Do To Help Yourself Heal
· Traps To Avoid
· How To Bounce Back and Start Dating Again
· And a lot more!   

Monday, 22 February 2010

Making Chocolate - ebook

You CAN Have Chocolate!

It’s true! You can have chocolate that won’t interfere with your dietary restrictions or health issues. Imagine being able to share a cup of luscious hot chocolate with a loved one on a cold winter night or being able to have a thick chocolate cake for your birthday. Wouldn’t it be great if you could eat a chocolate bar after a hard day? Or if you could treat yourself to some fancy chocolate truffles when you finish that project at work or make a deadline or get a promotion? Or if you could enjoy a luxurious cup of hot chocolate with your partner before bed? You can have chocolate whenever you want!

Studies have suggested that eating chocolate on a regular basis can have some health benefits for people. Multiple studies have found that chocolate contains flavonoids, a type of polyphenol antioxidant that may help to diminish such conditions as hypertension and heart disease.

Now you don’t have to miss out on those health benefits, or the joy of eating really good chocolate, anymore. It’s true! Making your own homemade chocolate allows you to control the ingredients and to control things like the amount of sugar in the chocolate. Making your own homemade chocolate is the key to being able to eat delicious chocolate and you can learn how to make your own homemade chocolate treats when you read the helpful book…

Tips and Tricks to Make Your Own Homemade Chocolate...

This book will give you all of the helpful information that you need to know in order to start making your own delicious homemade chocolate. It’s packed full of fun tips and great ideas that you can use to make holiday, birthdays, weddings and other occasions a lot more special with homemade chocolate.

The tips and tricks in this book are gathered from experts and homemade chocolate making champions. You can save a lot of time and money using these tips to make homemade chocolate. Normally it would take years of making homemade chocolate on your own in order to find out these tips through experience but you can get them all now by reading this book.

Making Chocolate 101 will get you started on a great new pastime that will yield benefits and fun, not to mention delicious chocolates to eat! Just imagine when relatives and friends come over and you can offer them your very own chocolate creations. Picture being able to make chocolate with your kids and the great times you can have. Think about how you can exercise your creativity and make the chocolates you want when you want them and the way you want them.

Plus, you can make your very own homemade choclate gifts for people’s birthdays or for Christmas, weddings, anniversaries, for any occasion. It is all possible when you know the tips and tricks of how to make your own homemade chocolates and this book will tell you how.

Two of the Main Benefits of knowing how to make chocolate

1) Better quality food at a lower price

By making chocolate yourself you know what is inside. You won’t have to worry about artificial or harmful ingredients. You can buy high quality ingredients, only the ingredients you want. By buying your own ingredients you can make a better product that suits your own needs. You can also make chocolate that has exactly the flavors that you love without spending a fortune on gourmet chocolate.

2) Have fun while you share the products of your new learned skil

Making your own chocolate is fun. That’s because you can be creative with what you put into the candy you create and even select how the candy will look! Plus, you can share the chocolate making experience with your friend and family, a great fun way to spend an afternoon or evening.

Making Chocolate !

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Good Food and Drink Ideas

The Dinner Party on a Budget

Dinner parties are not just for the people who can afford veal and lobster most nights of the week. And, they are not just for those who have a large grocery budget. One of the easiest things to do if you are
looking to entertain is to throw a dinner party on a budget. When working on a budget, you will have a
smaller list of ingredients to choose from. For example, you may be forced to choose from steak or chicken,
instead of anything under the sun. Smaller parties are also easier to manage and to plan for.
How To Be Ready For Drop-In Entertaining

Even the most gracious host can become frazzled and stressed out when things get hectic and fast paced, especially when she is on her own with the hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and the planning. Imagine how she’d be when there is last minute extra guests or out of town friends stop by because they were “in the neighborhood”!

Despite how much effort you think it takes to put together a planned party or how stressed out you think you’d be if you tried, it’s always so much simpler if you keep a few items on hand and always remember that if you want to entertain then almost anything is fixable.

How to Turn Any Dish Into a Diet Friendly Dish

A lot of people are concerned about eating healthier. And, a lot of people are put on stricter diets because of either a personal reason or as a medical reason such as high blood pressure or cholesterol. This is usually easy to follow if you’ve been doing it a while, but at the same time can get very boring and make you start wishing for your old favorite that’s now off limits.

The easiest way to handle the situation is to adapt your favorite foods so they can fit into your diet. Sometimes this is easier than others, but at the same time it’s almost always doable. It just depends on your diet and what you’re trying to convert to a diet friendly food.
What Makes A Great Gourmet Coffee?

Tasting coffee is as much a ritual for some as wine tasting is for others. When a coffee connoisseur tries a new gourmet coffee they are just as focused as the wine aficionado. So what makes a coffee a great gourmet cup of coffee? Several things go into determining what good coffee is all about.

It all starts before you start to brew the coffee, with the way the coffee beans smell after you’ve ground them. The first impression of the flavour comes to you as you inhale the aroma. As the coffee is brewed, the fragrance will come out. And finally there’s the taste as your tongue comes into contact with the coffee, releasing the coffee aroma within your mouth.
Make Any Drink More Festive

Most all holiday parties will have either an open bar or a self serve bar, whether it’s cocktails or just juices and soda. It’s always more fun for the holidays to make things more festive when it comes to drinks. Even if you just down play the decorations around the house, playing it up with the drinks is a fun and unexpected way to bring the cheer.
Making a Kid Friendly Dinner Party

Dinner parties are common all year long, whether it’s for a birthday or a congrats party, or any other reason even if you don’t have one. They are even more common when the holiday season hits. From thanksgiving, Christmas, or Hanukkah, and all the way through New Year’s, holiday parties seem to multiply out of thin air. One thing most will have in common is the adult theme, meaning usually no kids are allowed or at the very least they are advised against bringing them, mainly because even the older ones that are 12 and 13 will be bored and may cause interruptions.

There are many different reasons to throw a kid friendly dinner party, the first being that you may have kids yourself, and at the same time if your guests have children they may not be able to get a babysitter or feel like leaving them behind. If something happens and they need a last minute babysitter it can be hard to find one, not to mention that during the holidays finding a sitter may be hard.

Good Food and Drink Ideas

Top Chef Tips and Cooking Information

Can TV Chefs Teach You?

Television has always been a tool for entertainment, but can it instead be a tool for education? Of course! This has been proven time and time again. But, what about improving your skills in terms of cooking? The good news is that some of those televisions shows you are watching for entertainment may also be teaching you a great deal at the same time. The fact is, some of today's top television chefs are teaching people skills that are transferring back to the kitchen.

Do you notice yourself chopping differently or perhaps trying to dice onions by slicing the onion in two ways first? It is important to have a good teacher who is following the directions. On cooking television shows, be sure that those you are watching have the credentials to teach you. Have they gone to culinary school or are they at least teaching you the techniques in the proper format? Also, be sure to find someone to watch that you trust and like. These will help you to pay more attention to that chef which translates getting more knowledge from them.

There are a variety of things you can learn from a television chef. You can learn how to properly cook various meals. You learn how to know when food is properly cooked. You also learn methods for cutting foods of all types. You may have learned how to fold in whipped cream so it does not deflate. You may have learned how to make a cheese cake in a water bath without burning yourself. You may love those special views (like peering in from the interior of the oven to the television host.) You can learn to do everything from make a fantastic drink to learning where the dish originated.

The wealth of knowledge available on these programs should not be all you have, especially if you plan to be a Professional chef. Still, for many, this is a springboard onto more impressive things. It may help to encourage you to get in the kitchen and try different foods. It may also help you to know how to tell if an avocado is ripe and how to make your own, homemade pesto within minutes. The benefit of television cooking and television chefs is that they are real people who speak to the masses about the skill of cooking. On your path to becoming the perfect chef, you may want to utilize these benefits.

How does a great chef handle those picky eaters? It could be your child or even an adult. There is no question that it can be very frustrating to spend hours over the stove preparing a meal only to find out that the individual it is being made for does not like one or more f the ingredients in the meal. The first step is to realize this is not an insult to you, the chef. Rather, it is an opportunity for you to strike out and impress the individual as well as your other guests.
So you love being in the kitchen, but do you have the characteristics to be a great chef? Being a great chef doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot time and perseverance to be a chef. There are a few characteristics that are going to make the difference between your being a good chef and a great one.

There are many different types of chefs in the kitchen, each with their own tasks, working toward making perfect meals. No matter what specialty you decide to focus on, you want to choose something that inspires you, allowing you to create something you’re proud of and that will take you to the top of your profession.

The perfect chef needs to have the right equipment in order to stand out from the rest. Although
every kitchen will come equipped with equipment, a great chef will have their own equipment and tools that only they work with. There’s a saying that a great chef is only as good as their next dish. And the ideal dish starts with the chef having all the necessary tools to work with.
As you consider how to be the perfect chef, you have to consider the importance of going to school to learn how. The good news is that going to school to become a chef is not something that you have to spend years doing. In fact, many programs for full time students are only a handful of months until completion. This is not true for all, since some of the very best demand four to six years worth of training, such as the culinary institutes in France. For most professional chef students, though, attending a local school is all that is required of them.
Being a perfect chef takes a lot of training and a lot of hard work. Not only is this emotionally draining, but it is also physically challenging. Believe it or not, you may need to get fit before you can expect to do well in the kitchen on a regular basis. The body can handle most of the work of cooking a meal for the family but to work in a restaurant, you will need to have the strength, stamina and the willingness to do a lot of physical work.

Top Chef Tips and Cooking Information

Going All Veggies

How to Quickly & Easily Become a Vegetarian – & Enjoy All the Benefits That Accompany It?

Let me ask you a few quick questions:

· Are you at a healthy weight?
· Do you feel good most of the time?
· Do you wake up energized (as opposed to feeling tired and sluggish)?
· Would you say your overall health is good?
· Is your blood pressure in the healthy range?
· Are your cholesterol and blood sugar levels normal?

If you answered “no” to one or more of the questions above, then this is definitely the most important article you will read today!

Here’s why:

Because switching to a vegetarian diet could have you feeling better in no time! It’s true. There are numerous benefits to eating a vegetarian diet, such as:

On a balanced vegetarian diet one can very easily lose weight and stay fit.

A vegetarian diet fights against cancer, including gender-related cancers such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, and prostate cancer.

A vegetarian diet helps fight against heart disease.

A vegetarian diet helps you avoid some illnesses caused by e coli, salmonella, and listera, which are the most virulent forms of food-borne illnesses.

As far as money is concerned, it’s much cheaper to buy vegetarian food than quality meats and fish.

Eating vegetarian is not only healthy, it’s good for the environment as livestock deplete enormous land and water resources.

Plus, It’s Never Been Easier to Begin Eating a Vegetarian Diet Thanks to the “Goin’ All Veggies:

A Guide to Becoming a Vegetarian” eBook!

This comprehensive guide contains everything you need to know to make a healthy transition to a vegetarian diet and to maximize the benefits of your new diet. You’ll learn:

How to get the nutrients you need while eating vegetarian meals you enjoy!

Why the saying “you are what you eat” couldn’t be more true!

The four types of vegetarian diets – and how to choose which type is right for you!

What our ancestors ate – and how this is still directly impacting the health and our digestive systems today!

How to transition to a vegetarian diet – you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!

Why the animal agribusiness has been called “one of the cruelest practices imaginable” – and why a primarily plant-based diet is a more humane way to enjoy the fruits of the Earth

7 physical conditions that are directly impacted by a vegetarian diet – discover why many people say they have never felt better in their lives within just weeks of switching to vegetarian diet!

Exactly what you need to make the transition to a vegetarian diet as easily as possible – follow these tips and your switch to a meat-free diet will be quick and pain-free!

Plus, this ebook is jam-packed with easy-to-make, great-tasting vegetarian recipes!

Going All Veggies!

Discover How To Create A Worm Farm From Scratch!

Recycling has caught on with a more people as the years go by. Well, now there’s another way to recycle that may seem unconventional at first, but it can save you money down the road. Plus, you get to help out the environment at the same time! Recycling by composting with worms is something that is different for a lot of people. You can do that by making your own worm farm.

You’re probably thinking, “Why in the world would I want to create a worm farm?” Well, worm farming for a lot of people is considered a hobby. However, when they find out the benefits that come with doing it, they get pumped up and really get serious about it. More people are embracing green living and are seeing the results. So, why don’t you join them?

Worm farming can show you a new way of enriching soil. And if you are a plant lover, you can use the soil with your plants so they will be healthy. In addition to that, you can use the compost in your garden. Do you want to know why this is a good concept? Because when you mix the compost with the soil, you end up with an organic mixture. People know that organic items are better for you than those with all of those toxins.

Using the compost with worms will help you to have a better quality of soil because of the castings that come from the worm. Organic soil is of high quality and you won’t have to concern yourself with those unfamiliar toxins if you were to use regular soil.

In this report, you will discover the following:

If you want to learn to create your own quality organic soil and use it when you need to, this guide, “Worm Farming - Beginners Guide to Starting a Worm Farm”, has all that you need to know about worm farming and how it relates to green living.

There are other things in this guide that you will need to know about worm farming. They include:
Items you need to create a worm farm

The kind of container you need to set it up

What is bedding and what is used to make it

What kind of waste is prohibited from putting in the compost

Why you cannot use glossy paper for the bedding

Composting is part of the green living concept. It is part of the recycling method when the worms are consuming the organic waste. The compost when complete can also be used as fertilizer for plants and gardens. Since this is an organic mix, you don’t have to concern yourself with pesticides and other chemicals that would affect your plants and gardens.

The good thing about this is you can learn how to create a worm farm at a low cost. You don’t have to shell out hundreds of dollars to start with this project. That would defeat the purpose of the green living concept. The green living concept is about saving money while having a quality life at the same time. Not only will you change the quality of life for yourself, you will also change the quality of life for those worms that are helping you create quality soil.

Speaking of worms, they are the main ingredient in order to produce your quality organic soil. However, you can’t just use any kind of worm.

Discover How To Create A Worm Farm From Scratch!